igs lune planetes



“Associate Members are persons representing organizations that participate in any of the IGS components. The membership is balanced with respect to GS components, organizational representation and geography, and is meant to represent institutions which contribute significantly to the IGS on a ontinuous basis. Each organization that meets the above criteria shall have a minimum of one and not more than ten Associate Members. The Central ureau maintains the list of Associate Members, which is revised annually and is subject to the approval of the Governing Board.” IGS Terms of eference.

To remain an IGS Associate Member, one must also vote in at least one of two successive elections to the Governing Board.

Organizational Reference
Please identify the person in your organization who can be used as a reference for verifying your associate member application. This person will also e our contact for any decisions related to qualifying the number of persons per organization.

Please view IGS M-GEX – Call for Participation document for more information.

Please do not mail in a hard copy proposal. The ability to upload a soft copy (digital) of the proposal is included in the process. Questions or omments contact mgex @ igs.org.

Questions or comments contact mgex @ igs.org.


Questions or comments contact mgex @ igs.org.

Site Images
These 10 images should consist of 8 orientations at 45 degrees, 1 receiver and 1 monument.
Point of Contact Information
Primary Contact*
Note: First = Given Name and Last = Family Name
Primary Email*
Organization : https://www.pleine-lune.org
4 Character ID*
0-9, a-z characters only.
Image Upload
Please submit the images listed below of your site. Please capture the image as shown in the example to assure consistency. These 10 images should onsist of 8 orientations at 45 degrees, 1 receiver and 1 monument.
File naming convention


Date Taken*
Image File Upload*
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-R.jpg
Please reproduce this shot composition.

Date Taken*
Image File Upload*
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-FM.jpg
Please reproduce this shot composition.

Date Taken*
Image File Upload*
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-N.jpg
Please reproduce this shot composition.

Date Taken*
Image File Upload*
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-NE.jpg
Please reproduce this shot composition.

Date Taken*
Image File Upload*
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-E.jpg
Please reproduce this shot composition.

Date Taken*
Image File Upload
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-SE.jpg
Please reproduce this shot composition.

Date Taken*
Image File Upload*
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-S.jpg
Please reproduce this shot composition.

Date Taken*
Image File Upload*
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-SW.jpg
Please reproduce this shot composition.

Date Taken*
Image File Upload*
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-W.jpg
Please reproduce this shot composition.

Date Taken*
Image File Upload*
Choose File
ex. ABMF-20010223-NW.jpg

pleine lune

telescope achat

calendrier lunaire et astrologie